Friday, September 18, 2009

Book Review: Tightrope Walking


Tightrope Walking
Author: John M. Safarik
Publishing information: Mustang, Tate Publishing, 2009
Number of pages: 200

John Safarik, my old friend, is a war hero, a successful business man, an outstanding role model as husband and father, a dedicated Christian leader, and, most recently, an author.

Living a balanced life is a balancing act. Safarik skillfully weaves the story of the Great Wallendas into his helpful book. The Great Wallendas were circus headliners who've experienced catastrophic setbacks and record setting achievements. The Wallendas real life balancing act took brainstorming, planning, and dedication to keeping a schedule of both activity and rest. The story of the Wallendas is a good metaphor for living a successful and fruitful Christian life.

Talent is a gift, but it is wasted if not applied thoughtfully and prayerfully.

Safarik organizes the book around five main topics: Spiritual Life, Vocation, Finance, Education, and Recreation. At the end of each chapter, the reader is provided with the study questions to think through the topic discussed.

I recommend that you get the book, read it, and thoughtfully (prayerfully) work through study questions at the end of each chapter and then really utilize the goal-setting tools provided in the back of the book.

It's an easy read. John is a great mentor and teacher with a warmly accessible writing style. And he's a genuine Man of God.


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