Wednesday, August 12, 2009

6 Coral Ridge parishioners ousted


You got a step-mother or -father? Remember when you would do what ever you could to make the step-parent's life miserable because your mom or dad married somebody else and that somebody else wasn't your beloved parent that was now gone?

"You're NOT my father!"

You punished that person, right? In my not so humble opinion, that's what's going on down at Coral Ridge in Ft. Lauderdale.

In this case, Tullian Tchividjian is the replacement father, Coral Ridge is the mother, and Jennifer Kennedy Cassidy is the offended child.

I've been following Tullian Tchividjian's career from afar. I observed as he pulled off the universe's most difficult task, that is, the merger two separate church congregations. That's as difficult as stacking BB's. Or parenting a blended family full of ADD kids.

The bottom line is that whoever stepped into the larger than life D. James Kennedy's shoes was never going to please his most die hard fans. Especially his daughter. No body is him. Why try? Why would you want anyone to?

Let Kennedy rest in peace and let Tullian do what God's called Tullian to do.

6 Coral Ridge parishioners ousted - South Florida -


Vicki Small said...

When my husband first told me about the battle going on in CR and who was at the forefront of the opposition, my sympathies lay with the new pastor (Billy Graham's grandkid?). Then he told me that "the pastor is being very heavy handed...he's banning every dissenter, on threat of arrest." 'Scuze me??

Is there any room for the love of Jesus, for compassion, empathy and integrity on either side, in this mess?

luann said...

Vicky--Have you read the letters the opposition sent? They are full of lies, vague generalizations, and just terrible things to say about one's pastor. Further, they were banned from coming to services because they were putting petitions on people's cars during the service and cornering people in the church foyer trying to get them to sign. Tullian has been nothing but humble and patient, but enough is enough.

If you want to see the actual letters, you might check out this blog:

I don't know who's behind this blog, but they are doing a good job of spreading FACTS.

Bryonm said...

@Luann: thanks for the link :)

Anonymous said...

I hope I don't offend anyone, but I believe Dr. Kennedy himself is partially to blame for this. I believe some of the best leaders are ones that prepare for the transitions of life and groom a successor. Dr. Kennedy never had anyone in place that would be "next in line". It's a shame that Coral Ridge is going through this, but I believe it all could have been avoided had the founder/leader stepped aside at an appropriate time and guided the church through the transition and given it "his blessing". His health wasn't a "suddenly" thing and it could've all been handed over prior to his passing. So sad that it has come to this. Great church... I attended a woman's study there many moons ago and those women really knew how to love on people!

Bryonm said...

Wow. Great point, Jody.

Bryonm said...
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Vicki Small said...

Luann, thank you for the further information and the link.

Jody, you've expressed well the same thought that went through my mind, sort of behind the reactions to the two pieces of information my spouse gave me, initially. I watched two of our pastors go through a three year transition of leadership, and it was just phenomenal. I'm amazed that Dr. Kennedy did not work with the church leaders to prepare the congregation, his family--anyone--by mentoring a replacement and going through a transition.


dominionist teaching to contemplative spirituality - wow - big step for coral ridge. i thought the conservative types (kennedy) and the emerg--ing types (tchividjian) have trouble seeing eye to eye. how unfortunate for both sides.


i've heard tullian teach, he is definitely in emerging church camp imho. kinda like driscoll who is not emergent but is still squarely emerging- does that make sense?

since about 07 willowcreeks main interest (with regards to teaching style) is primarily e-gent/or e-ging. that is where they (WC) see evangelism going and that is where they want to drive it. tullian tchividjian was acknowledged in 08 by willowcreek leadership-see below. That is very telling in itself.

the list is comprised of mark batterson, perry noble, etal-ec.

WILLOW Magazine, Volume 15, Issue 1

Faces to Watch in 2008
You see their names on conference rosters. Your friend asks if you’ve read one of their books. You know the name but can’t quite place the face.

Tullian Tchividjian
Mark Batterson
Perry Noble
