Sunday, February 15, 2009

A Little Worried

IMG_0946 I'm cleaning up baby puke and I'm worried about what life will be like a few weeks from now. On March 24, Allie will have surgery. She has cerebral palsy and brain damage brought on by an injury about a year and a half ago. Her bones are growing faster than her muscles and this is causing her hips to migrate out of joint. In fact, instead of her hips being a round socket, they are more of a flat surface. So the joints need to be reshaped and her hips repositioned. Along with that, she has to have some leg muscles lengthened.

After the surgery is over, she'll be in a cast from her waist down for six weeks. She'll spend three days in the hospital and then come home. We are unbelievably anxious about what life will be like for Allie and us. Will you please pray?

Prayer request on Susan's blog


Anonymous said...

I'll definitely be praying!

Bryonm said...

Thanks, Julia!

Chris said...

I will.

Anonymous said...

You know I will. Am.

Anonymous said...

Why was she puking? Is she sick? :(
I know you're worried about the surgery, but just remember how faithful God has been through all of this. Surely He won't let you down now. :)

Bryonm said...

She was just having digestive problems that day. She's all better, now, though...

Anonymous said...

That's my birthday, so I know I'll remember to pray. She's come so far and I believe God isn't finished with His miracles in Allie's life!!! I'll be praying for you and Susan too!!

Anonymous said...

Mike and I will definitely be praying.

Anonymous said...

everyone at uyi has been praying for allie and we will continue!! (p.s. aaron is awesome!)
jessica derosier

Anonymous said...

Bryon and Susan, I just realized I have an additional means of sharing your prayer needs with some Compassion-ate folks. I'll do that, when I send out a weekly summary of prayer needs for our region to other leadership advocates.

Anonymous said...
