Friday, January 16, 2009

Not too hip


Today we took Allie in to see a new pediatric orthopedic doctor. It was an informative and sobering visit.

Last June, her doctor in Eureka shared the concern he had for Allie's hip development. Her left hip was growing 50% out of the socket and her right, 35% or so. Her muscular development is slower than her bone growth causing incredible disharmony and a mini tug-of-war in her little skeleton. Her joints are losing. To correct this, her doctor said that she would probably need surgery.

We, of course, wanted another opinion and that from a specialist. We got that second opinion today. Allie's new doc is a kind and articulate doctor who shares the same opinion. Allie will need surgery in the next six months to correct the abnormalities in her hips.

We are taking the next week to pray this through, but our initial gut feeling on this is that we're going to move forward with the surgery. Will you pray with us?


Anonymous said...

Hi Bryon!

I will pray with you! The Lord is Good and He is Mighty! He is Living God!

Slavik (Moldova)

Anonymous said...

I have been praying for you all... Your family has truly been on my heart lately.

Bryonm said...

Thanks you guys :)

Anonymous said...

Awww. Poor little baby. I will be praying for her and for you as you make this decision.

Bryonm said...

Thanks, Luann...

jeremyself said...

praying God gives you guys great wisdom! i'm sure ali's situation is a little different, but if you think it may help to talk to someone whose daughter had that surgery before, let me know. they live down there in jupiter...jeremy

Bryonm said...

hey, jeremy... great to hear from you. thanks for the offer to talk to your friends. we'll give it some thought.

did it go well for your friend?

Anonymous said...

I keep a list of things to pray for with Allie and I will put this prayer on the list also.

Anonymous said...

You bet, Bryon. And you know what else I'm going to do with it....

Anonymous said...

We'll be praying for you all... thanks for keeping us in the prayer loop via the blog!

Kat said...

Oh damn! this should not be happening to this sweet little girl! I am praying.....Might be dangerous, but I'm feeling like being confrontational with God right now. Dang folks, if WE would fix what we could fix for OUR kids......then God can do it for Allie. So Abba, FIX it, amen!
Love, Kat

Thodgson said...

praying in NC

Anonymous said...

Prayer from Africa is going up...