Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Dear MondokBlog Readers

A question has been posed. An articulate female reader of the MondokBlog has asked me if I would consider launching a "for males only" blog discussing the topic that has been frequently posted about here: porn.

I definitely see this reader's point. Many of you read this blog because you want news about Allie. Some of you read this blog because now and then, I review a book you may be interested in. The rest of you, well, I don't know why you keep coming back.

But I don't know if I have the energy for another blog. But then a blog about this one male issue could be good. And if you gals want to lurk to see how sick the male mind is (as if you didn't already have doubts) then you'll learn something. Maybe grace.


Anonymous said...

I think your reader has a great idea!

Anonymous said...


It boils down to what is your blog's purpose - God's purpose for it and your purpose for it.

Allie is a huge part of your life and should be a huge part of your blog.

But this blog is also your best opportunity to speak your mind and heart on whatever issues are important to you. As a man, some of those issues may hit home for other men, and be unfamilar to the ladies who read your blog.

Perhaps even uncomfortable (you also have the opportunity, and freedom, to address issues that hit men just as hard and make them just as uncomfortable).

Life is not 100 percent nice, comfortable, safe, family-friendly. When topics are discussed that go against that grain, some people are going to not like it and will react.

In that case, and your blog is the venue for such discussion, it boils back to purpose.

What does God intend for your blog? What is your vision?

Now there's nothing wrong with starting another blog to address Driscoll's book on porn. Not at all.

But you need to maintain the freedom you have to discuss such issues, or other issues that may make people uncomfortable or be unpleasant for them, on your own blog.

Here's a third option that you can consider: having someone else host the discussion. I'll volunteer my own blog. Though several of my blog friends are down on the guy at the moment, there's value in what he has to say (and there are some things I absolutely disagree with).

If I can be of assistance, contact me at briandmail-at-gmailDOTcom.

Thodgson said...

My two cents:
This is your blog - you are a man -you discuss a wide range of things that affect you as a child of God, husband, father, pastor and yes a man here on your blog. You do have other blogs set up for the readers who only want Allie updates, one for missionary updates, one for Shepard's Staff. I personally believe that this is your place for your passions combined. It is apparent by the post title if it is something I would want to hear your thoughts on or move on...

Anonymous said...

Bryon, I know the feeling of not having the energy for one more blog. But, what if you started a blog and invited multiple contributors? Might be a good way to get different perspectives on the subject AND not have to feel you had to post very often. I bet you could get quite a few contributors just from your blogroll there.

Just a thought. Whatever you decide, keep up the good work.


Maybe I'm a little jaded; but what more and what new can be said about porn that has not already been said for thousands of years? Bryon, you know I totally respect you and if anyone can add something new to the discussion it would be you. There are only so many creative ways to say porn is sin, man is naturally attracted to that sin, and it takes a supernatural ability to break the pattern of sin. Please understand, I am all for helping brothers, and presumably sisters, that have put themselves into this bondage. I just wonder what more can be said?

That is just my opinion. If you feel compelled by God, go for it!

Bryonm said...


I hear ya... I definitely don't think there is anything new to say. What I think we need to do is get it out into the light; provide a place where people feel like it's safe to declare that they're sinners. We have to try not to be jaded about other people's sin even when they do it over and over again because Jesus is never jaded toward those that come to Him and He's who were trying to represent...

Anonymous said...

I don't think this is just a "male issue". When you are married, his issues become your issues. I think we need to wake up as women and realize that we need to pray for our husbands regarding this area and watch that we don't drive them to those sins by what we do or often say. If anything, I would like Bryon to share more about what wives can do to protect their husbands and sons. If I don't want to read an article on a blog, I simply skip over it. I don't find it objectionable to have the articles there. I hope it's getting picked up on search engines when men and boys go searching for porn! When sin stays hidden, it grows roots... strong roots. We need accountability and we need to get real with one another. We all have struggles and are afraid to confess them. Our fear of God needs to be greater than our fear of man. I think that your blog should contain whatever God tells you to put there. Your porn posts are a great reminder to pray for the men I know, particularly my husband. No one is immune to falling into sin. Bryon, you have a great friendship with that guy who is willing to ask the tough questions. Not everyone has that.
...just my random thoughts...

Bryonm said...

Thanks for your comments, Jody and everyone else. Great comments.

I'm starting to get a vision for what I want to do next...

Anonymous said...

What Jody said. And she said it much better than I would have.