Friday, September 12, 2008

Ray Boltz Comes Out | Liveblog | Christianity Today

image This is just sad. I don't know what to say...

Ray Boltz, who sold about 4.5 million records before retiring from Christian music a few years ago, came out of the closet Friday to announce that he's gay...

“This is what it really comes down to,” he says. “If this is the way God made me, then this is the way I’m going to live. It’s not like God made me this way and he’ll send me to hell if I am who he created me to be … I really feel closer to God because I no longer hate myself.”

Click below to read the whole story.
Ray Boltz Comes Out | Liveblog | Christianity Today


Anonymous said...

thannnnk youuuuuu for giving to the lord, i am a life that was chaaaaa-aaaanged......

Bryonm said...

you sound a little out of tune. find a key.

Anonymous said...

so sad; he doesn't get it...
Since when are we supposed to embrace our sin nature and declare that "it's just the way God made me?!" So people who have a tendency toward alcoholism, should they just embrace it?! Of course not! Why do some people view homosexuality differently from other sins? It is CLEARLY wrong in the Scriptures (abomination mean anything to these people?) and yet they justify it. Since the fall of man, we all are born with sinful tendencies, so I do not doubt in the slightest that they were born with a propensity toward that sin. However, as believers we are called to turn away from our sinful tendencies. We would expect an alcoholic, a drug addict, or a violent person to turn from their sin too.... it's the same message for all of us... turn from our sin. I know I am preaching to the choir here... well, I am re-inspired to search my heart and do some turning of my own... and praying for those that are believing lies like Ray here...

Anonymous said...

Wow. That's all I can say.

Kat said...

WALK in his shoes and then have an opinion! For any of you who think he made an easy decision, get a clue! Instead of pre-conceived, biased opinions based on disgust, try some compassion and get to really know a few of us! Just a thought.

Anonymous said...

Sorry if I offended you, Kat. Although I spoke truth, I did it without weaving in mercy. Guilty. I am working on that. I have always been a little full of opinion and a little low on mercy. Clearly God is not finished with me yet. So much to surrender... so little time! :) My own sin disgusts me to a much greater degree than any I see out there because I desire with all of my heart to leave a God-honoring legacy for my children and my children's children.

Kat said...

Jody, it's a tough subject for me. I'm sorry for my lack of mercy toward you. I'm tender in this area because I made the choice to attend "gay affirming" churches so that I would stop being so danged ALONE every Sunday. I get included in folks' lunch plans, I fellowship with folk who really WANT to hang out with me. I don't hate Sundays any more. It's alot about that. You are a good and kind person and I am very aware of that.
hugs, Kat

Anonymous said...

if you're attending a "Gay Affirming" church, it's not a Church at all but a place of deception. No where in God's word does He tell us to be Gay...He says be Set Apart. You shouldn't feel comfortable in your sin on Sunday or any other day. REPENT. That is a message of Love. Jesus told us to Repent, for the Kingdom of Heaven is at Hand. He loves you, He died for you, He rose again and ascended to the Right Hand of God and will Return again for You, only if you believe in Him. I will not apologize for that message lest I cause any child to stumble...We have committed the greatest sin in Churches by allowing people to think they're saved when they are not. We need the Gospel of Repentance, Forgiveness of Sins, and Mercy.

Kat said...

just curious why you feel the need to be 'anonymous'. it's a stealth, slam and run tactic that fails to hit the intended target and reduces credibility.

Mike West said...

One thing is for sure, God will hold him to a higher degree of accountability because of his role as a teacher. I'm just glad that's not my responsibility.

Anonymous said...

he may have come out..but the Lord's response could be that he needs to go back to the closet (prayer closet) and consider that yes he was born a sinner and only Christ can redeem his soul otherwise he believes that their is someother way to salvation--maybe service?

Billy said...

wow...this is not what I expected to read today.

Kat said...

hey, anonymous....doesn't that pretty much describe all of us?

Dave O Life Coach said...

Truly sad. If I had a chance, I would love to remind him that the gate is narrow and the way is hard that leads to life. What a tragedy it will be if he seeks his contentment in this short life here.

There are many who deal with same-sex attraction who are persevering, growing, and finding mercy and joy through Christ. I am one and there are countless others.