Saturday, December 05, 2009

Rolling with Vets

IMG_1557 Today Allie ran with vets from the Achilles Freedom Team at the Palm Beaches Marathon Festival. Downtown West Palm Beach was crazy with activity as wave after wave of kids grouped by ages ran a race. Ronald McDonald co-officiated the start of the race.

IMG_1553The last wave of kids to line up was Allie's group in their wheel chairs. They ran the race shoulder-to-shoulder with wounded war vets from the Afghanistan, Iraq and Viet Nam wars.

IMG_1559Allie's escort was a salty Viet Nam era Marine with over 26 marathons under his belt. This guy, a war-time amputee, continues to live a heroic life of service. It was our honor to have our little crew escorted by this team of vets.

Below is video of the finish.

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