Saturday, October 25, 2008

Rx: one scoop of ice cream

allie-eyesThat was the prescription Allie was given by her eye doctor today.

She did amazing during the exam. She was cooperative when the nurse dilated her pupils which I thought was a formula for one of Allie's infamous meltdowns.

When the doctor did his thing, Allie sat on my lap quietly curious about what he was doing.

Last year I blogged about her appointment with this doctor. He declared her legally blind. Her optic nerves were irreversibly damaged. That in addition to cortical visual impairment (CVI) presents significant challenges.

Here's what happened today. The doctor was using his little gadgets and said in a very off-handed way, "Her optic nerves are pink and healthy."

I said, "What?"

"Yeah, they look good."

"You know, you said her nerves were pale and atrophied last year," I reminded him. "You sent us a copy of the letter you sent to child services."

He checked his records and said, "Well, I retract that diagnosis."

And that was it.

But we believe in prayer and miracles. Too many of you have been touched by Allie's story and have been motivated to pray for her. And the Lord has heard you. Thanks for being a part of our day of good news.

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Anonymous said...

So is she not blind anymore. What's up Bry. Chip

Bryonm said...

She is still considered legally blind due to the brain damage, but she definitely sees. How well is yet to be determined. And her sight can heal as her brain makes new connections. But this time last year was definitely another story. And her previous diagnosis gave us alot less hope.

Anonymous said...

Right on man. God never ceases to amaze me. Glad to hear this awesome news. Chip

Anonymous said...

...crying tears of joy.... how good God very very good!!
Our God is so BIG... sometimes I forget that when I am praying and I pray small prayers. This answer to prayer was a reminder to me to pray BIG to my BIG BIG God! May the name of the Lord always be praised! Enjoy your celebration and thanks for sharing this with all of us!!! God has a plan and purpose for her life that we cannot even begin to fathom.

Anonymous said...

Our God is so stinkin' amazing.I am in awe. I am going to have ice cream to celebrate. Can I mention this on my blog? Good news should be shared.

Bryonm said...

luann: yes. of course.

Kat said...

I'm with Jody......weeping spontaneous tears of joy. Confirmation that prayer works and we are not just uttering a bunch of empty words.

Anonymous said...

Wow. That's just, wow.

Anonymous said...

How awesome! Praise God!

Mike West said...

God is good - all the time!

Anonymous said...

That is awesome news. Tears came to my eyes when I was reading it. What kind of ice cream did she get.

Anonymous said...

way cool!!!

Anonymous said...

I'm sooooo glad to know this! I posted links to your blog and Susan's (on mine), and I'm sending an e-mail to people who have followed Allie's story, to alert them.

I'm with Darlene...what kind of ice cream?