Monday, August 04, 2008

Trip to the South Jetty

We're so proud of Allie. We took her for a pretty long ride (forty miles round trip) around the south end of Humboldt Bay out to the South Jetty. Allie did great. She was happy, self-soothing, and looking around the whole way. Both ways.

If you've followed any of Allie's story, you know that our trips have been very short. Long trips with her are a nightmare. Next month, we have to ride down to San Francisco for an appearance before a judge. This is the final step in Allie's adoption. We're not looking forward to the trip. But yesterday's happy-ali was the longest trip she's taken without pushing her to the limit and gives us tremendous hope. We usually don't venture more than ten miles from home with Allie due to her tendency to have an emotional and physical meltdown. But she's made tremendous progress over the past few months. And she really likes riding in this new van much better (who wouldn't?).

40.6 miles round trip


Lyndsey said...

She is getting cuter and cuter!

Anonymous said...

Yeah Allie!!! I agree with Lyndsey... so cute!! I'll be praying about the San Fran trip! She'll be awesome!


Go Allie!

Anonymous said...

I love Allie's smile. It's so joyful.

Anonymous said...

I'm sure the new far more comfortable for her. She does look joyful, doesn't she!

Anonymous said...

She's getting to be a growed up girl. Thanks for sharing this part of your lives with us, Bryon.

PS...Lunch is on us when you guys are in Portland again.

Anonymous said...

I can't wait for her first plane trip to Florida!!!!!