Thursday, August 16, 2007


In the above picture, Ali is playing with her hair. This is the first time I've seen her do something like this. As she lay there on the floor, she reached up several times and pulled on her hair.

While she was playing with her hair, another new thing she started doing while I was down in Santa Rosa for the night, is clicking or grinding her front teeth. She was doing this, too, this morning while she played on the floor.

I got the camera out in a hurry to try and capture a picture of her hand in her hair, but of course, she was done by the time I got the camera ready. Events like these are kind of like taking the car to the mechanic. You tell your mechanic that car pulls this way or makes that noise, but the car never malfunctions for the mechanic. I can't always get Ali to function for the camera.

Later this morning (left-coast time), Ali and I will go to physical therapy. I hope to remember to take the camera with me. She's doing well there and I want to get you all some pictures of that, too.

See you then.


Anonymous said...

She looks very happy and contented. Not to mention cute as a minute!

Unknown said...

what a beautiful little girl!! I'm loving all these pictures and so glad to hear of her new discoveries!

Anonymous said...

If my hair was that pretty, I would play with it all the time too.

I think she gets cuter every single day!

Anonymous said...

Ali looks so happy and peaceful. It looks like she knows she's loved. Cant wait for more pics!!