Friday, September 26, 2008

Scot McKnight: The Eschatology of Politics | Out of Ur | Conversations for Ministry Leaders

I couldn't agree more with the view that Scot McKnight writes about in this article I've linked to. Here's an excerpt from the first paragraph:

If John McCain wins and the evangelical becomes delirious or confident that the Golden Days are about to arrive, that evangelical has an eschatology of politics. Or, alternatively, if Barack Obama wins and the evangelical becomes delirious or confident that the Golden Days are about to arrive, that evangelical too has an eschatology of politics. Or, we could turn each around, if a more Democrat oriented evangelical becomes depressed and hopeless because McCain wins, or if a Republican oriented evangelical becomes depressed or hopeless because Obama wins, those evangelicals are caught in an empire-shaped eschatology of politics.

All I've got to say about politics today is that McCain better show up at Ole Miss tonight or I might not show up on November 4th.

Scot McKnight: The Eschatology of Politics | Out of Ur | Conversations for Ministry Leaders

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